Three Sculptures In Mendut

Mendut located 3 km to the east of the Borobudur, a Buddhist temple built in 824 AD by King Indera of Sailendra dynasty. In the Mendut there are 3 (three) large statue.

1. Cakyamuni who was sitting cross-legged with your hands turning the wheel of dharma.
2. Bodhi Satwa Awalokiteswara as helping mankind
A statue of Amitabha Awalokiteswara above the crown, Vajrapani. He was holding a red lotus flowers placed in their hands.
3. Maitreya as the savior of mankind in the future

There is a story for children on the walls. This temple is often used to celebrate the Vesak ceremony each May at the full moon night and visited by pilgrims from Indonesia and overseas.

This temple is older than Borobudur temple. Its architecture and has a rectangular entrance on the ladder. The roof is also square and terraced, a stupa on top.

Pada awal abad ke-19, sejumlah ahli geologi Belanda yang tinggal di Yogyakarta, bermaksud mencari tempat peristirahatan bagi keluarganya. Mereka menyusuri kawasan utara yang merupakan dataran tinggi. Sesampainya di Kaliurang yang berada di ketinggian 900 meter dari permukaan laut, para "meneer" tersebut terpesona dengan keindahan dan kesejukan alam di kaki gunung itu. Mereka akhirnya membangun bungalow-bungalow dan memutuskan kawasan itu sebagai tempat peristirahatan mereka.

Pesona Alam Kaliurang dan Bangunan Sejarah

Perjalanan menuju kaliurang dari arah Jogja akan mengingatkan kita pada lukisan pemandangan saat masih di taman kanak-kanak. Sebuah gunung dengan jalan di tengahnya serta hamparan hijau yang membentang di kedua sisinya dihiasi dengan rumah penduduk, akan menghilangkan penat dalam bingkai lukisan alam.

Diselimuti angin yang berhembus sejuk, bahkan di saat mentari tepat di atas kepala, kesejukan itu masih terasa. Udara yang menari melewati pepohonan dan turun dengan gemulai, memberi rasa segar ketika menerpa tubuh.

Pemandangan Gunung Merapi memberi sensasi tersendiri di kawasan ini. Bagaikan seorang gadis desa yang menutup tabirnya bila sengaja diperhatikan, gunung ini akan tertutup kabut seolah malu bila sengaja datang untuk melihatnya.

Menyusur sisi barat Bukit Plawangan sejauh 1100 meter, menempuh perjalanan lintas alam, melalui jalan tanah yang diapit pepohonan dan lereng rimbun, deretan 22 gua peninggalan Jepang menjadi salah satu keunikan wisata alam Kaliurang.

Di samping keindahan alamnya, Kaliurang juga mempunyai beberapa bangunan peninggalan sejarah. Diantaranya adalah Wisma Kaliurang dan Pesangrahan Dalem Ngeksigondo milik Kraton yang pernah dipakai sebagai tempat berlangsungnya Komisi Tiga Negara. Atau Museum Ullen Sentalu yang sebagian bangunannya berada di bawah tanah. Museum ini menguak misteri kebudayaan dan nilai-nilai sejarah Jawa, terutama yang berhubungan dengan putri Kraton Yogyakarta dan Surakarta pada abad ke-19.

Kawasan Rekreasi Keluarga

Berjarak 28 kilometer dari pusat kota Yogyakarta, Kaliurang kini menjadi sebuah kawasan wisata alam dan budaya yang memikat, serta menjadi tempat yang menyenangkan untuk rekreasi keluarga.

Bersantai dengan keluarga, orang tua bisa bersantai sambil mengawasi anak-anak bermain di Taman Rekreasi Kaliurang. Di dalam taman seluas 10.000 meter persegi anak-anak bisa bermain ayunan, perosotan, atau berenang di kolam renang mini. Selain itu di taman yang dihiasi oleh patung jin ala kisah 1001 malam dan beberapa jenis hewan ini, anak-anak juga bisa bermain mini car atau memasuki mulut patung seekor naga yang membentuk lorong kecil dan berakhir di bagian ekornya.

Sekitar 300 meter ke arah timur laut dari taman rekreasi terdapat Taman Wisata Plawangan Turgo. Di kawasan taman wisata ini terdapat kolam renang Tlogo Putri yang airnya berasal dari mata air di lereng Bukit Plawangan. Bermain ayunan atau bercanda bersama keluarga di taman bermain yang berada di dalam taman wisata, rasa lelah akan lebur dalam rimbunnya taman perhutani.

Melangkahkan kaki menyusuri sisi timur, melihat beberapa ekor monyet yang berloncatan dan berayun di dahan, menikmati kicau burung di jalur berbatu susun dan tangga berundak di jalan menanjak sejauh 900 meter; mungkin akan sedikit melelahkan, tetapi pemandangan Gunung Merapi di saat cuaca cerah dari Bukit Pronojiwo, akan menggantikan rasa lelah dengan kekaguman. Pada perjalanan ke puncak Pronojiwo, YogYES sempat adu lari dengan seorang turis asing asal Inggris bernama Nick (47 tahun). Meski memenangkan adu lari, tapi perasaan menyatu dengan suasana alamlah yang paling membahagiakan. Air minum yang dijual oleh wanita penjaja minuman di puncak Pronojiwo bisa melepas rasa dahaga sambil menikmati Merapi yang berdiri tegak di tengah rimbunnya hamparan hijau. Setiap hari libur, Merapi bisa dilihat melalui teropong yang disewakan dengan tarif Rp.3000 selama 30 menit.

Sesampainya kembali di lokasi taman bermain, bersantailah sejenak di Tlogo Muncar. Meredakan letih sambil menikmati air yang terjun di sela-sela bebatuan. Biasanya air akan mengalir dengan deras di musim penghujan.

Jika ingin menikmati pemandangan Kaliurang, para pengunjung bisa berkeliling menggunakan kereta kelinci yang dikenal dengan istilah sepoer. Kendaraan ini biasa mangkal di depan taman wisata yang dipenuhi dengan kios-kios penjaja makanan. Jalur yang dilaluinya mengitari kawasan wisata Kaliurang dari timur ke barat. Melewati gardu pandang yang terletak di sebelah barat, Merapi akan terlihat jelas ketika cuaca cerah. Tarif untuk menaiki kendaraan ini Rp.3.000 per orang jika yang naik minimal tujuh orang. Untuk perjalanan eksklusif, Rp.20.000 akan membuat perjalanan layaknya seorang bangsawan.

Bila ingin merasakan sejuknya angin dan heningnya malam di Kaliurang, berbagai villa, bungalow, pesanggrahan atau pondok wisata bisa menjadi pilihan. Tarifnya juga beragam, mulai dari yang 25 ribuan hingga 200 ribuan. Beberapa penginapan yang bisa anda nikmati, antara lain: Bukit Surya (paling disarankan), Puri Indah Inn (bintang 3), Wisma Sejahtera, dll.

Sebelum pulang pastikan untuk membawa sedikit oleh-oleh yang dijajakan. Mulai dari buah-buahan produksi petani lokal hingga makanan khas yakni tempe dan tahu bacem serta jadah (makanan yang terbuat dari beras ketan dan parutan kelapa).

Hamparan hijau di kaki gunung, udara sejuk dan segala paket kemewahan alamnya, akan meredakan segala kepenatan dan memberikan kesegaran dari hiruk pikuknya perkotaan.

Bila ingin bernostalgia menikmati nuansa Pantai Kuta tempo doeloe, Pantai Sepanjang adalah tempat yang tepat. Sepanjang memiliki garis pantai yang panjang, pasir berwarna putih yang masih terjaga, dan ombak yang sedang. Anda tinggal memilih, ingin berjemur di atas pasir menikmati terik matahari, membelah ombak dengan papan selancar, ataupun hanya melihat keindahan pantai. Semuanya bisa Anda nikmati begitu tiba di pantai yang berjarak beberapa kilometer dari Pantai Sundak ini.

Pantai Sepanjang merupakan salah satu pantai yang baru dibuka. Nama "Sepanjang" diberikan karena ciri khas pantai ini yang memiliki garis pantai terpanjang di antara semua pantai di Kabupaten Gunung Kidul. Suasana pantai ini sangat alami. Bibir pantai dihiasi tumbuhan palem dan gubug-gubug beratap daun kering. Karang di wilayah pasang surut pantai pun masih terawat. Hempasan ombak masih memantulkan warna biru menandai air laut yang belum banyak tercemar. Dengan suasana itu, tak salah bila pemerintah daerah maupun investor berencana menjadikan pantai ini sebagai Pantai Kuta kedua.

Suasana alami itulah yang menjadikan Pantai Sepanjang lebih dari Pantai Kuta. Sepanjang tidak menawarkan hal-hal klise seperti beach cafe dan cottage mewah, tetapi sebuah kedekatan dengan alam. Buktinya, anda akan tetap bisa menggeledah karang-karang untuk menemukan berbagai jenis kerang-kerangan (Mollusca) dan bintang laut (Echinodermata). Anda juga tetap bisa menemukan limpet di batuan sekitar pantai dan mencerabut rumput laut yang tertanam. Tentu dengan berhati-hati agar tak tertancap duri landak laut. Jelas kan, Anda tak akan menemuinya di Pantai Kuta?

Kebudayaan masyarakat pantai juga masih sangat kental. Tak ada bangunan permanen di pinggir pantai, hanya beberapa gubug yang ditinggali oleh masyarakat setempat. Masih di pinggir pantai, terdapat ladang yang digunakan penduduk untuk menanam kedelai. Pantai yang landai dan langsung diterpa ombak menyebabkan tak ada penduduk yang melaut. Bila melihat ke belakang, akan tampak dua buah bukit yang bagian lerengnya digunakan penduduk setempat untuk menanam jagung sebagai sumber makanan pokok. Tanah di puncak bukit tersebut telah dibeli oleh investor untuk dibangun sebuah villa yang harapannya bisa digunakan sebagai penginapan wisatawan.

Sepanjang juga memiliki situs bersejarah, yaitu Banyusepuh. "Banyu" berarti air dan "sepuh" berarti basuh atau membasuh. Sesuai namanya, tempat yang tadinya berupa mata air ini digunakan untuk membasuh atau memandikan. Penggunanya konon adalah para wali yang biasanya membasuh pusakanya. Situs ini tak akan diketahui keberadaannya bila tak bertanya ke penduduk setempat. Ketika YogYES melihat, situs ini hanya tinggal kubangan kering yang ditumbuhi tanaman liar.

Capek berkeliling, maka istirahatlah. Gubug-gubug yang berada di pinggir pantai biasanya digunakan penduduk untuk menjual makanan dan minuman yang sekiranya cukup untuk melepas lapar dan dahaga. Disediakan pula lincak (tempat duduk yang disusun dari bambu) untuk tempat ngobrol dan menikmati semilirnya angin pantai. YogYES sempat merasakan betapa sejuknya berteduh di bawah gubug. Kalau senja tiba, tengoklah ke barat untuk menyaksikan kepergian matahari. Walau kini belum ada villa, namun penduduk setempat cukup terbuka bila ada yang menginap.

Soal oleh-oleh jika pulang, pengunjung tak perlu berpusing-pusing mencari. Bukankah oleh-oleh tak harus selalu berbentuk makanan? Beberapa penduduk yang tinggal beberapa kilometer dari pantai sudah membuat kerajinan tangan berbahan dasar cangkang kerang-kerangan yang kemudian dipasarkan oleh penduduk pantai. Meski tak sekomersil di Malaysia, kerajinan tangan yang dibuat oleh penduduk cukup bervariasi. Ada kreasi berbentuk kereta kencana, orang-orangan, barong, jepitan, ataupun yang hanya sekedar dikeringkan dan dipendam di dalam pasir. Beberapa di antaranya dilukis sederhana menggunakan cat. Harganya pun tak mahal, cuma Rp 5.000 per biji.

Harga kerajinan yang murah tak berarti bernilai rendah. Kerajinan berbahan dasar Mollusca sebenarnya memiliki nilai historis yang besar. Jika pernah membaca buku ataupun artikel tentang Conchology, Anda akan mengetahui bahwa kerajinan tersebut adalah bentuk kebudayaan maha tinggi yang berkembang di masyarakat pesisir. Orang-orang Hawaii di Amerika Serikat, Kepulauan Melanesia, atapun Maori di Selandia Baru mengembangkan kerajinan serupa. Mereka merangkai cangkang kerang-kerangan menjadi kalung, rok, ikat pinggang, hingga memahat dan melukisnya menjadi seni rupa maha dahsyat.

Apabila uang di dompet sedang mepet, pengunjung dapat mengkoleksi cangkang yang ada di pinggiran pantai. Benda kecil ini dapat menjadi hadiah menarik bila diproses lebih lanjut. Ambil beberapa buah cangkang yang masih utuh kemudian masukkan dalam kantong plastik. Sesampainya di rumah, belilah tembakau atau mint dan campurkan dengan alkohol 90%. Setelah direndam sehari semalam, ambil cangkang dan gosok perlahan. Langkah itu akan menghilangkan lapisan kapur pada cangkang sehingga yang tinggal hanya lapisan tengahnya saja (lapisan prismatik). Gosokan akan membuat warna cangkang lebih cemerlang.

Nah, sangat menarik bukan berwisata di tempat Sepanjang? Jadi, tunggu apa lagi? Anda tinggal melaju dengan sepeda motor atau menginjak pedal gas mobil Anda. Tak usah menggubris naik turunnya medan ataupun jalan bebatuan menuju pantai ini sebab keindahan alam dan budaya yang akan dinikmati jauh lebih dari pengorbanan Anda. Percayalah, semua akan terbayar dan Anda pun akan berkata seperti salah seorang turis asal Belanda yang ditemui YogYES, "Ini betul-betul si Kuta baru. Banyak pantai di sini dan Bali sudah sangat turistik, tapi di sini pantai tenang. Sangat menyenangkan."

Beautiful Ralief located in Temple Gampingan

Not all temples have a unique beautiful relief because generally only decorated by statues and reliefs that are common in almost all temples. One who has a beautiful relief is typical Gampingan Temple, a temple which was accidentally discovered by a craftsman in the hamlet of brick Gampingan, BIF, Bantul in 1995. Although small in size and was not intact anymore, Temple Gampingan still rich in dazzling relief.

One of the beautiful reliefs can be found in this temple are reliefs of animals are at the foot of the temple. Relief animals in Gampingan so natural to be known animal species are described. The temple is rarely enough to have such relief, at least only Mendut Prambanan and is known to have similar relief. All the relief setting decorated with tendrils, which padmamula (lotus roots) is believed to be the source of life.

When YogYES around, looking kind of animal is a bird that dominates. There are reliefs crows seemed to have a big beak, robust body, wings and expand into the fan-shaped tail. There are also reliefs depicted the woodpecker has a crest on the head, beak rather long and pointed and wings that do not expand. In addition, there is also a rooster who has breasts and wings expand to the bottom.

Making a bird in a number of reliefs in this temple many beliefs regarding the time of the power transedental birds. It is believed, the bird is a manifestation of the gods and natural messengers of the gods or nirvana. Birds are also associated with human absolute freedom is achieved after successfully leaving the worldly life, symbol of the human soul is separated from the body.

Relief other animals are also a lot of frogs described. Society at that time believed that the frog has magic powers that could bring rain, so the frog is also believed to increase productivity, because the rain brought a frog could increase crop yields. Frogs are often emerge from the water also symbolizes the renewal of life and resurrection to a better direction.

Until now, the relief still leaves the question whether a fable (story didongengkan animals to children) like in the picture Mendut or animals that deliberately to indicate a particular purpose. The question arises because the image of animals such as the temple Gampingan not found in the book containing the fable, such as the Jataka, Sukasaptati, Panchatantra and its derivative versions.

Temple Gampingan expected to be constructed between 730 to 850 AD is believed to be a place for worshiping Jambhala (god fortune, son of the god Shiva). It is based on the discovery while excavating Jambhala Arca. Jambhala described being in a state of meditation, sitting cross-legged while his eyes closed. Body parts decorated by iconographic elements (asanas) in the form of a lotus which has amounted to 8 pieces of leaves as symbols of the chakras in the human body.

Jambhala figures in this temple is different from that in other temples. Generally, the other temple Jambhala depicted with wide eyes stared at devotees with various ornaments that symbolize the prosperity and luxury. It is believed, these different representations based on the motivation of worship, not to invoke prosperity but guidance in order to achieve true happiness.

Visiting the Temple Gampingan will lead us to rethink about the way we've traveled to get to the happiness and prosperity. Relief that dominated the lives of animals in natural surroundings can be a form of local wisdom at that time of representing a message from nirvana: to live well and avoid the disaster, people should maintain harmony with nature.

scary monsters cave

Not many who know Pesanggrahan Demon Cave. Understandably, rest house built by Hamengkubuwono II, this is not as famous as the Taman Sari Water Castle. But, behind the unpopularity, this rest house was once an important function for the sultan's palace, as a hermitage. Together Pesanggrahan Warungboto, this place is called in one of tembang macapat told of the progress achieved during the reign Hamengkubuwono II in Yogyakarta.

Pesanggrahan Cave is located in the region Siluman Wonocatur, Sleman, precisely in the road connecting the Eastern Ring Road areas Berbah Yogyakarta, Bantul. You want to get past visiting Janti Road until the intersection Block O, then turn right. When you see a signboard at the Berbah, you turn to the left. Guesthouse is located right in the pinggi road, marked the high wall thickness of 75 cm which color had begun to blacken.

The area includes the rest house right and left of the road. Perhaps a little surprising, but it's true. Is there any part of the building was interrupted by the existence of the road? Apparently not. YogYES sure to see the buildings on the left of the road is the gateway into this rest house. The door was continuous with the hall to the building area is on the right road. That is, the corridor that connects the complex to the right and left of the road at just below the royal road to Berbah it.

On the building's gate, we encountered a bird Give relief at the top. Unique shape can still be seen clearly even though some parts are damaged due to age. While at the bottom of the door, there are some stairs that connect the outside of the tunnel. When you go deeper into, there is again a door curved top, may serve as a marker had entered the hall.

YogYES really want to explore the hallway, but we prefer urungkan and cross the street. Next, we descended the building is on the right path and menemunkan a square-shaped door. The door was a carbon copy of the hallway that connects the right and left of the road. Unlike the north door is decorated with reliefs Give birds, south door is simple, without decoration whatever.

Through the south door was, YogYES get a peek at the rest house to another. There is a building that extends to the east, directly continuous with the hall. The building is divided into several rooms, each of which is also connected to a door. Not far from the door to the room that connects the east, there is a screen decorated with beautiful ornaments similar to batik motifs. Meanwhile, in the easternmost room itself is a rectangular pond which is still filled with water.

Like many early pesanggrahan Sultan's Palace, Cave of the Demon also has a garden and pool area. Currently, the area planted garden variety of ornamental plants, so this area looks green. Ornamental plants that grow on the edge of two rectangular ponds which also are part of the building pesanggrahan. The edge of the pool and grounds were actually made of plaster is quite good, but unfortunately can not be seen because the water was so clear.

Around to the southwest, there is one pool of water circle. The pool was decorated with statues of birds Give with a prominent beak. The shape is very unique, especially because they serve as beak shower. Similar pool was also found in the southeast, but arcanya already suffered damage and began to pent-ground pool.

Until now, various activities in addition to the Kingdom meditation done in the Demon Caves Pesanggrahan can not answered, including those who had meditated in this place. Another thing that is still a mystery is the name of the building itself. Tembang macapat This new building includes a building is said Seluman Cave, but there are signs that the complex of buildings is now the name of the building Demon Cave. Is Seluman and means the same demon?

In the past, many people consider this building being haunted that no one can enter it at random. But now the assumption that there was no reason some people even use the area for a rest house chatting. So, you can visit one of these historic sites without fear.

twin temple yogyakarta city owned (temple Plaosan)

You do not need to rush back to the inn after a visit to the Prambanan temple, because not far from the most beautiful Hindu temple in the world that you will also see other temples are just as entertaining. Headed north as far as 1 km, you will see Plaosan Temple, a temple constructed by Rakai Pikatan for the Empress, Pramudyawardani. Located in the Village District Bugisan Prambanan temple architecture is a blend of Hindu and Buddhist.

Plaosan complex is divided into 2 groups, namely Plaosan Plaosan Lor and South Temple. Second temple has a square-shaped terrace surrounded by a wall, which shaped meditation on the west side ticket booth and the stupa at the other side. Because of the similarities, the appearance Lor Temple and South Plaosan nearly identical when viewed from a distance so far Plaosan Temple is also often called the twin temples.

Plaosan Candi Lor Building has a central courtyard surrounded by a wall with the entrance on the west. In the middle of the page there are marquee measuring 21.62 mx 19 m. In the eastern part of the pavilion there are 3 pieces of the altar, the altar of the north, east and south. Preview Amitbha, Ratnasambhava, Vairochana, and there at the altar Aksobya east. Stupa Ksitigarbha Samantabadhara and figures on the altar of the north, while the picture is the altar Manjusri west.

South Plaosan temple also has a pavilion in the center surrounded by 8 small temples are divided into 2 levels and each level consists of 4 temples. There is also a picture Amitbha Tathagata, vajra Vajrapani with attributes of Prajnaparamita Utpala and considered as "mother of all Buddhas". Some other pictures can still be found but not at the original place. Manujri figure which according to a Dutch scientist named Krom is significant also found.

Part Bas reliefs of this temple has a unique picture of men and women. There is a man who depicted sitting cross-legged with their hands and the figure of a man worshiping with vara mudra hand and a vase at the foot of a man surrounded by six smaller ones. A woman is depicted standing with his hands vara mudra, while all around there are books, pallets and vase. Krom argued that the figures he was the picture of the woman patron supporter of the two temples.

The entire temple complex has 116 Plaosan perwara stupas and temples perwara 50. Perwara stupa can be seen on all sides of the main temple, as well as temples perwara smaller. When walking to the north, you can see the open structure called Mandapa. Two prasati also be found, the inscription on the gold coins in the north of the main temple and the inscriptions written on stone in the temple Perwara first row.

One of the particularities of Plaosan Temple Terrace is a smooth surface. Krom argued terrace of this temple is different from other temple terrace built in the same period. According to him, it was related to the function of the temple at the time suspected to save the canonical texts of Buddhist monks. Other allegations came from Dutch scientists, if the number of priests in the area a bit so maybe it was used as the terrace of a temple (Buddhist temple).

If you look around the temple, you will know that the temple is actually Plaosan vast temple complex. It can be seen from the fence along 460 m from north to south and 290 m from west to east, also interior fence consisting of a ditch along 440 m from north to south and 270 m from west to east. Trenches that make up the interior of the fence can be seen by walking toward the east through the middle of this historic building.

Siung beach, sandy beach has many high cliffs

Siung beach is located in a remote area in Gunung Kidul regency, the south district rather Tepus. The distance is about 70 km from the city center, or about 2 hours drive. Reach this beach by motorbike or car to the choice of many people, because it is difficult to find public transportation. Colt or bus from the city Wonosari usually only get to Tepus region, and even then had to wait for hours.

Excellent stamina and good vehicle performance is the main capital to reach this beach. Understandably, many challenges to be conquered, from the slopes, sharp turns are sometimes accompanied by derivative to heat that hit the skin when the road surrounded by limestone hills and fields of crops. Overall blocking since the Pathuk (sub-districts of Gunung Kidul first encountered) to the beach.

As if there was no option to run from the challenge. Line Yogyakarta - Wonosari which continues to point Wonosari - Baron and Baron - Tepus is the path most easily accessible, the road has been paved smooth and perfect. Another route through Yogyakarta - Imogiri - Gunung Kidul has a more severe challenge because many roads are hollow, while the point Wonogiri - Gunung Kidul too far when taken from the city of Yogyakarta.

As an expression, "be sick to have fun first and then", that would travel to Coastal Siung. Pleasure, relief and peace can be felt only when it has reached the shore. Blue sea and white sand that will clean up the sport lelah.Tersedia treat a number of wooden houses on the beach, a place to lean back and chat while enjoying the beautiful scenery.

One outstanding charm of the beach is rock Siung. Coral reefs are huge in the west and east coast have an important role, not only to add beauty and limiting the other shore. Coral was also the basis for naming the beach, witness the triumph of the coastal areas in the past and the charm that makes this beach is increasingly recognized, at least in the Asian region.

Rock on which the naming of this beach is located slightly indented into the ocean. The name is taken from the beach rocks form according Wastoyo, a local elder, ape-like teeth or Siung Vanara. Until now, this rock can still enjoy its beauty, combined with the occasional big wave hit, until the cracks disusuri by sea water which flows slowly, presents a dramatic scene

Monkey tartar which still stand of sea waves gerusan contributes to witness the triumph of Siung area in the past. According to the story Wastoyo, Siung area at the time the trustees become one of the trade center in the Gunung Kidul. Not far from the beach, exactly in the region Winangun, stood a market. In this place too, dwells and Nyai Nyai We podi, wife of the courtiers of Yogyakarta and Surakarta.

Most people Siung time profession as a farmer salt. They rely on sea water and salts as a source of wealth livelihood. The salt produced by this Siung citizen who was a major commodity in the market Winangun. Though rich in various kinds of fish, not many people who dared to sail at that time. Generally, they are only looking for fish on the bank.

Things gradually deserted when Winangun market, according to the narrative Wastoyo, to Yogyakarta. The market is moving from Winangun said in Jogjakarta was named Jowinangun, Jobo Winangun stands or outside the Winganun region. Local people lost their livelihoods and not many people who come to this area. It is not clear what efforts local residents taken to survive.

In the midst of that quiet, beautiful beach rocks Siung back into play. Around the year 1989, a group of nature lovers from Japan using rock cliffs located on the west coast as an arena rock climbing. Then, in the decade of the 90's, the Asian competitions held Gatherings Climbing the cliffs again use as an arena Siung Beach race. Since then, the popularity of Beach Siung began to recover again.

Now, as many as 250 climbing lane is in Siung Beach, facilitating sports fans of rock climbing. Line is likely still be added, see the rules in order to continue the existing line with the previous permission of the path-maker. Many parties have taken advantage of the climbing lane on this beach, as a group of students from the State University of Yogyakarta that was about to do rock climbing when YogYES visit this beach.

Other facilities also support the activities of rock climbing is a camp ground located on the east coast. In this camp ground, the tents can be erected and the fire could spread to spend the night. Terms of use only one, does not damage the environment and disturbing the turtle habitat, such as a written warning in a bulletin board located at the camp ground which can also be used for those who simply want to spend the night.

Not far from the camp ground, there is a wooden house that could be used as a base camp, a choice but to set up a tent. Size large enough base camp, enough for 10 to 15 people. Form of houses on stilts to make eye keeksotikan more freely enjoy the beach. Simply by talking to local residents, perhaps accompanied by a few dollars, it's a base camp can be used for overnight.

As night or quiet time visitors, a group of long-tailed monkeys will fall from the top of the cliffs to the beach. Long-tailed macaque is now much more rare find in this beach. The existence of this long-tailed monkeys may also be one of the reasons why the rock on which the names paired with the tooth shape of apes, not the other animal species.

Wastoyo revealed, based on the narrative of winasih (the people who can read the future), Beach or rejomulyo Siung will return in glory soon. Increasing number of visitors and its popularity as an arena rock climbing became one sign that this beach is to triumph. The visit of tourists, including you, will certainly accelerate the triumph achieved.